GHOV-007 Super Sentai Shield Five Heroine Disqualification Mark Tsukino Okawa

GHOV-007 Super Sentai Shield Five Heroine Disqualification Mark Tsukino Okawa

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Miko Momose, a member of Super Sentai Shield Five, who fights against the evil organization Dead Dark, and the only female Shield Pink, challenges the enemy alone to prove that she can fight on equal terms with men.In the world of the dark picture book. I’m trapped. Unable to expect help from her comrades, Miko fights alone and unassisted against Torimazu. And although the picture book of darkness is about to be burned, he summons his willpower and succeeds in escaping. However, the price is high, and Miko, who has exhausted her strength, is toyed with by Glarna, the executive of Dead Dark. Miko’s fate! ? [BAD END]
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2022-04-08
Code: GHOV-007
Titel: 超戦隊シールドファイブ ヒロイン失格の烙印 大川月乃
Darstellerin: Tsukino Okawa
Etikett: GIGA
Etikett: GHOV
Schlüsselwörter: 大川月乃,変身ヒロイン,特撮,アクション,GIGA,GHOV

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