FAA-103 When I got rid of my salary and opened a fitness gym at home, a married woman in the neighborhood came and I was lucky enough to do it. It’s the best (* ´∀ ` *)

FAA-103 When I got rid of my salary and opened a fitness gym at home, a married woman in the neighborhood came and I was lucky enough to do it. It’s the best (* ´∀ ` *)

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Mô tả:

I quit the company I worked for for 20 years and opened a fitness gym at home! At first, there were few customers, but rumors spread by word of mouth, and the wives in the neighborhood came to the store! Wearing a high-leg leotard for close contact guidance! The frustrated wives accepted my Ji Po! Hmm, I’m glad I got rid of it (^ o ^)?
Ngày phát hành: 2016-06-09
Mã số: FAA-103
Loạt: 脱サラして自宅でフィットネスジムを開業したら…
Người tạo: F&A
Giám đốc: 落花生次郎
Nhãn: F&A
Từ khóa: 人妻・主婦,レオタード,企画,素人,ハイビジョン,脱サラして自宅でフィットネスジムを開業したら…,F&A,落花生次郎,F&A

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