OYC-196 Girls of part-time job punishment game drinking party using the most disgusting man at the part-time job
I decided to have a drinking party with my fellow girls. But it's not fun to just have a drinking party, so I rush to the house of a disgusting man to have a punishment game drinking party using the most disgusting man at the part-time job. Girls who start drinking in the man's room without telling the reason. A man left behind with Potoon ... and a punishment game started! At this point, I finally explained the purpose to the man ... The girls who were excited to say "I'm sorry!" And "What's up!" To the depressed man. If you notice it, everyone will be in a mess and a big orgy! !!
Code: oyc-196
Release date: 2018-08-05
Maker: お夜食カンパニー
Label: HHHグループ
Director: スペースにゃん二郎